Lépe je více věděti a méně mluviti.
Translation: It is better to know more and talk less.
Écoute beaucoup e parle peu.
Translation: Listen a lot and speak little.
Sokat hallj lass keveset szólj.
Translation: Hear much, speak little and slow.
Odi, veti et tace, se voi vivir in pace.
Translation: Listen, watch and shut up if you want to live in peace.
Parla poco, ascolta assai, e giammai non fallirai.
Translation: Speak little, listen much and you're never going to fail.
Un paio d' orecchie seccherebbero cento lingue.
Translation: One pair of ears will drain dry a hundred tongues.
Audi, cerne, tace si cum vis vivere pace.
Translation: Listen, watch and shut up if you want to live in peace.
Daudz ko dzirdēt, maz ko runāt.
Translation: Listen much, speak little.
Więcej słuchaj, a mniej mów - zawsze szkodzi zbytek słów.
Translation: Listen more and talk less - words always do harm.
Ouve, vê e cala viverás vida folgada.
Translation: Listen, watch and shut up and you'll live a peaceful life.
Înțeleptul tace și face.
The wise man shuts up and acts.
Quien mucho habla, poco escucha.
Translation: Who speaks a lot, listens little.